Physical Education

We love PE here at St. Ambrose! I’m lucky enough to have many excited and enthusiastic faces bound into my classes each Thursday & Friday and I think I have the best office & job in the world!

Another school teacher in the district said to me recently ‘Why are St Ambrose so good at all the sports?!’.  I think we are blessed with a great community spirit, parent involvement and active kids!

I (Mrs. Cavric) took over the role of Physical Education specialist teacher in 2016 after teaching at the school since 2006. I’ve always loved playing and watching sport so this was a great opportunity for me. I play netball and enjoy being active with my 4 children. I love watching the local Woodend Hawks footy and netball teams on the weekend and makes me happy to see lots of our St Ambrose kids involved. My own children are just starting to get involved and so far we’ve done Net-Set-Go, Auskick, tennis lessons, Aussie Hoops and Acrobatics and see lots of students at these!

I encourage all children to get involved in local sporting activities and advertise them as best I can. I love hearing about all the children’s sporting successes and when they bring in their medals, trophies and ribbons to show me!

It’s not all about winning here at St Ambrose. It’s about having a go, having fun and developing a love of being active. It doesn’t matter if young or older, boy or girl, natural sportsperson or not, if I can get children involved and having fun, that’s our goal.

St Ambrose participates in a wide variety of inter-school sports and many opportunities are presented to the students to get involved in these from Grade Three onwards. These include cross country running, athletics, tennis, softball, volleyball, cricket, soccer, football, netball, tee-ball, basketball, swimming & orienteering.

We advocate for any students wishing to trial for state teams to do so through the School Sport Victoria (SSV) pathway, and have had much success recently with students progressing to state level teams in basketball and football.

Each term we apply for Government Sporting School’s funding which has allowed us to bring in specialist coaches for the students in prep to 6 in the sports of gymnastics, badminton, AFL and to fund our school swimming program.

We are very lucky to have always had a generous sporting budget to ensure there is always plenty of resources and equipment for the students to use in their play times and in their PE lesson. There’s not much we don’t have and continue to grow our equipment stocks.

Our sports captains do a fabulous job helping me set up and pack up on PE days and the sports house captains are always busy ensuring the balls are inflated and the borrowing trolley is stocked up.

We are blessed that Bronwyn and our school leadership are very supportive of our extra curricular sporting activities and allowing children the time and commit the staffing and resources to allow it all to happen.

All these sporting activities could not take place with our fabulous parent community helping out. So I encourage you all to get your working with children check, do the parent helper course so you can help out with your child’s sporting endeavours.

I look forward to seeing you all at the sports events over the coming years!

Kristy Cavric

